Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The game that I enjoyed the most was called Pirate Spelling. In this game I studied the following skills Listening to what they say. In order to win this game I had to be more quicker then my partner Carla. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was The Parrot. My partner was Carla P. Carla Had bet me 2-3 in these skills games. To play this game go to this link

The game that I enjoyed the 2nd most was called Simile or Metaphor. In this game I studied the following skills Similes And Metaphors. In order to win this game I had to learn what Ms.Bentley had show me examples about Simile and Metaphor. The thing I enjoyed most about this game was Challenging. My partner was Carla P.It was a. tied between me and Carla. To play this game go to this link.

The game that I least enjoyed was called Alien Punctuation. In this game I studied the following skills Commas,Periods & Question Marks. In order to win this game I had to get them all right.The thing I least enjoyed about this game was the aliens. My partner was Carla P. Carla had won me by 2 questions right. To play this game go to this link

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